How do I check to make sure big trucks are allowed on the street I want to take to get to my destination?

by niki
(san diego, ca)

How do I check for restricted truck routes? I'm talking about streets, not highways, I've called the numbers in my atlas but they don't answer or don't know.

I called federal motor carriers, dot and local police and highway patrol no one knows how to check or don't have info. patrol. a lot Of times you can't see the signs until its too late.

How do I check my route before I get there? I don't trust the directions my company gives me anymore.

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Aug 04, 2011
route trucks
by: TruckerYitz

rand mcnelly househould guide has a good truck routing map. basically interstae US highways and roads, State highway and roads are all legal except for weight limits and hieghts (most of these restrictions are listed in the back of the rand mcnallty truck maps.) then as far as the route from the main road tll your destination, well if its a shipper or reciever they will usually tell you. and if it is to a house in residential a good ruke of thumb " if the street has a yellow line in the miiddle then its ok. and then take the most direct route to the house, but calling local PD before hand getting officers name on the phone will always keep you out of trouble.

AND NEVER EVER park it in front of city hall/town hall, firehouse, police barraks, School bldg or city / town parkj where kids play AND NEVER EVER IN FRONT OF GRANDMA SYLVIA'S HOUSE.

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