How do i get a job driving a truck if no one will give me a chance to prove my self ?

by david wilson
(marion Ohio)

My name is David Wilson i live in Marion Ohio i finished my cdl schooling threw Crist CDL training school for my class A cdl. I've got a hazmat/doubles/triples/tanker.

I have no EXP. with OTR and everyone that i do contact wants to know your life history. And all i'm trying to do is make a life for my family and i'm the kind of person that goes by the book when i have a job. But when it comes to driving a tractor trailer this is new to me.

I'm just looking for some leway somewhere from someone PLEASE.

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Feb 17, 2011
Its all what you put in.
by: Anonymous

As far as them needing to know your life history, you gotta remember the trucking industry is run by the insurance companies. As a trainer at a truck driving school that is returning to the road all I can tell you is that there are a few companies that will give you a job. The problem is that they know that without one year experience you have SEVERELY limited options and some places use that to benefit themselves. Swift, Werner, TMC, U.S. Express are a few places to look at.
As far as proving yourself goes, see above about the insurance companies. In this competitive job market any recent alcohol convictions pretty much are crippling. More then a couple points on your license is not helping either.

Feb 10, 2011
Keep trying until the doors of opportunity opens for you.
by: NickV

Have you tried a company called CRST? They are blowing up and are strictly out for new blood. It is a team company but its good to have someone with you when you start out. I was over there training to be a trainer and the first student I picked up said they had to send one guy home, cause get this, he had a warrant for murder!!!

He denied it and they told him to go home and clear it up and he was welcome back. I've done my fair share of dumb stuff when I was younger too. I have a possession of marijuana and a DUI amongst other little things and out of probably a hundred applications they accepted me.

Just have to pray your time spent there is with a good co driver and as long as you have that you will be good. You go out with a trainer for a month to start off also and he "hopefully" will show you the ropes. Ins and outs of trucking if you will, cause 70% of what you learned in school is gonna get tossed out the window. If you need any other questions about crst or anything I'd be glad to answer.

Good luck to you and remember whomever you get hooked up with first, stay there as long as you can stand it.

A newbie job jumper is worthless to the industry and if you think its hard now try putting three jobs and no experience on your app.

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