How do I get a truck driving job with one accident on my record ?

by Phil
(Bradenton, Fl. USA)

To any independent or company drivers; How do I get a truck driving job with an accident less than a year old that is on my DAK file? Do I have to wait a year to re-apply?

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Jun 07, 2013
no luck still trying
by: good driver

20 yrs no tickets 1 accident,my company kept me on,I've tried 6 other companys I got to wait 3yrs, good companies 5yrs gonna kep trying.

Jan 07, 2009
by: jimmy

Phil, as you can see, accidents are an absolute no/no in this business. and tickets as well.

Question: was the accident preventable? was there injuries? were you cited? I know, it's not a perfect world out there, but be ever so careful when driving, it's your livelihood.

Enough preaching, the crazy trucker has it down. call around, explain the situation. all trucking co's have insurance carriers that lay down the rules

re: who they can hire.

some will allow 1 minor accident or 1 or 2 tickets. some want absolutely a spotless record. stay on it, pardner......jimmy

Jan 02, 2009
getting a truck driving job with one accident
by: thecrazytrucker

What's happening Phil,

You should be able to find something with one accident depending on the amount of property damage and injuries.

The only way to find out the if you can get hired is to call companies and see what the response is. Come back and let us know how it goes if you don't mind.

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