How do I get my Class A back if I had them once before

by JD

Can anyone tell me what i can do to recive my class a s back ?i have my b s now,but im thinking of going back out.

Is there still a high demand for truckers? will i have to go back thru school ? is there a refresher course? where do i go in school is no longer open.

I drove for 3yrs no accidents or tickets.

Maryland truck driver refresher courses

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Jan 30, 2014
Getting Your Class A CDLWith a Class B NEW
by: Hervy

JD, If it's been over 2 years since you have had your Class A CDLs, you might have to do trucking school all over again in order to get a job.

If it was only a year or so ago there are many companies that offer refresher courses. ( Averitt Express for example)

Some truck driving schools also offer refresher courses for truckers who have had their Class A's before. (Roadmasters for example)

Refresher course is cheaper and shorter than the complete truck driving school course.

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