How do i get over Fear of driving a big truck

Im a new truck driver. How do i get over the fear of driving a big truck. I wanna drive i just got a fear of driving a truck.

How do i get over that?

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Sep 17, 2017
by: Anonymous

When I was in training, we would go out on the yard, and I would look up at the truck and think oh no what am I getting myself into. That's too big! I'm afraid to drive that.

Then I would stare at it and say a prayer to God. I would ask him to quiet my fears and to give me courage. I would say if this is not for me, fine. But don't let this defeat me.Please let me master it, learn from it, earn from it. And I'll be listening up for what you really have planned for me if this is not it.

Sep 08, 2017
This might sound like a joke
by: Hervy

Drive it. Seriously....the only way for them to completely leave is to face your fears.

You start however with the fact that people drive every day from exactly the same point you are at. Including the fear. They just took one step at a time beginning with training.

Realize that the training will teach what ypu need to know to start operating the truck. They dont assume you knw anything.

I was even slightly uncomfortable about the idea of driving at first...but i keep moving forward anyway.

So its understandable to feel the way tou do. The thing is you have to decide you will face your fear or run from it and let it control you. If you do that you will always regret not having faced it.

Imagine 10 years from now still regreting not taking that step and having th trucking experience and benefit of a CDL.

So I encourage you to go for it. We let the fear of things hold us back too much.

You can do it!

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