by Marissa
(Tulsa, OK)
So my finace is a trucker (obviously), we have 2 boys - 11 and 2 - I work 4days a week and am currently going to school online (part-time). School is soon to change to not online and my babysitter for the little one (step-dad) is becoming less and less dependable due to health problems.
I really want to try to figure something out so that I can work from home, but I'm not thinking that's going to happen anytime soon.
I don't know how to juggle all of this - I'm new to the whole "normal life" (came from a family of addicts), but I'm trying. My SO is constantly telling me to do research and see what other people do. So here is my research because I'm not finding anything helpful on the other forum sites.
How do you all do it by yourself? I don't feel like there's enough time in the day to be supermom! Work, school, pick-up/drop-off kids, and still wifely/home-maker!