how do I stop my truck from shutting off after idling?

by william

Gonna be freezing tonight, tried a few tricks to keep the truck on, none have worked, ive tried leaving the parking break released, unplugging the qualcomm, regen mode worked temporarily, all I can think is lay something on the brake pedal

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Jul 30, 2015
Keep warm NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a company truck once that would shut off after 15 minutes. I was stuck at a truck stop from a winter storm so I bought a small ceramic heater for about 15 bucks. I kept it in the sleeper with the curtain closed. It was enough to keep it comfortable.

Jan 11, 2015
idle NEW
by: Anonymous

your company needs to reprogram your truck, for the time being you need to run your cruise control turn it on and set it at a speed a
like 5 miles an hour and It'll keep it reved up, you don't want to overrev it.

I hope you can stay warm it's really bad out there you need to call your DM and tell them to either tell you how to program your truck or get you to a shop immediately no loads worth your life

Jan 11, 2015
idle NEW
by: Anonymous

your company needs to reprogram your truck, for the time being you need to run your cruise control turn it on and set it at a speed a
like 5 miles an hour and It'll keep it reved up, you don't want to overrev it.

I hope you can stay warm it's really bad out there you need to call your DM and tell them to either tell you how to program your truck or get you to a shop immediately no loads worth your life

Jan 11, 2015
idle NEW
by: Anonymous

your company needs to reprogram your truck, for the time being you need to run your cruise control turn it on and set it at a speed a
like 5 miles an hour and It'll keep it reved up, you don't want to overrev it.

I hope you can stay warm it's really bad out there you need to call your DM and tell them to either tell you how to program your truck or get you to a shop immediately no loads worth your life

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