How do I use comchecks ??

by danielle
(winchester va)

my friend owed me $$ her husband is a truck driver. She paid me in the form of a com check. It has my name the amount and her husband,s account number.

When i called the number its asking for a company number or something i'm not sure... Where is says account/express code there's a 10 or 12 digit number...

Is this correct ???

And how do i cash it ??

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Oct 28, 2011
Cashing a comchek
by: hervy

Danielle the person who is giving you the money has to call comdata to get an authorize or register the comchek for the amount you are owed.

The people at the truck stop or bank will verify the chek and amount and get an authorization code before they cash the check.

At the truck stop they will charge you about 3 percent. Don't know what they will do at the bank.

Probably nothing if you have an account there and they are large enough to be familiar with comchek.

(yes chek is the spelling they use, not me rushing this time! lol)

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