how do truckers deal with the long hours of service

I wonder how do truckers feel after a week on the road?

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Apr 02, 2010
Planning is the key to making the most of being over the road
by: Lady Trucker "MD"

The best thing I can tell you is plan out all your trips take the time to look at your map route your trips keep a good log book and get rest I am out 3.5 weeks out of the month I plan out everything this is a business not only for your company that you work for but your self keep track of everything.

when you have chance to sleep during an unload or a load take it down time sleep. try not to drive during the hours of midnight and 4am your body will tell you it is time to sleep. I wish all the best out here if you are ever on your CB give me a shout out "MD" I am out here I am proud to say I am an over the road truck driver be safe and god bless!!!!

Mar 30, 2010
Runnin' hard is hard on the body of truckers
by: Jimmy

Pace yourself Son, pace yourself. Plan everything the best you can. Get your rest. Jimmy

Mar 30, 2010
Just depends
by: NickV

You would actually be surprised at exactly how much time is done driving out on the road. Most of our time is spent sleeping, eating, or doing paperwork. Your legally allowed to drive from 10 to 11 hours a day so there is a lot of time used up on other things.

I guess it would depend on who you work for. Hervy on one hand works for a furniture distributor and even though he says he likes it im sure hes pretty pooped at the end of the week. HAHA (just bustin your chops Hervy) You also have the OTR drivers which are pretty much drop and hook and the hardest thing you do is just that.

I can say at the end of the week im usually bored or ready to start a new one cause the more weeks we knock out the faster we go home and at the end of the day that's what every driver is striving for. Yeah you make money out on the road but home time is priceless. Hope I helped you out with your question.

Any more just ask.

Mar 28, 2010
by: Anonymous

like earthworm with the shit slung out of it

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