How do truckers get online?

What are some of the ways truckers get their daily data feed?

I am working on getting a CDL, and I use up a lot of bandwidth at home.

I was wondering how truckers get their data. Do you use mobile hotspots at truck stops, motels, etc? Do you use mobile 3g/4g data?

I'm hoping to use truck driving to fund a somewhat on/off mobile retirement, like driving during the summer months and taking the hazardous winter months off. I also might be bringing a passenger who might be using a lot of data..

So, what is a reliable/cheap way to get 10+gb/mo of mobile data?

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Mar 05, 2015
Mobile Unlimited data plans
by: Hervy

I heard Verizon was pretty good. I used and still use Sprint. It was somewhat sketchy at first but I stayed with them and the service greatly improved. Costs me about $110 per month when I had the hotspot. Might be something cheaper available now. I had the plan for a while.

I am still with them. That tells you that I am satisfied with them.

However, these days there are many options. See what others are as well.

Each truck stop also has service available that is usable at other places not just a single truck stop.

Whomever you go with make sure to look at the coverage map. You might want to wait until you have chosen a trucking company. This way if you will be running certain areas more frequently you can be sure to choose a service provider that covers that area well.

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