How do you drive downgrades in the winter or rain?

by Eliot Williams
(Houston, TX)

I love trucking but mountain driving scares me especially when it is wet or snowed up. I just wanna know what's the safe thing to do.

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Mar 09, 2010
Slow Ride, Take it easy
by: NickV

Slow and steady delivers the freight. You wanna be a super trucker then I hope you got a big jacket and a thick blanket cause your gonna need it when your stuck in the median. I really dont understand these guys who think they are different and it cant happen to them. Pay attention to your surroundings. If you are the only truck out there doin 65 then theres a problem. Communicate with other drivers. If the roads are bad or a skyline looks nasty, get on the cb and ask the opposite traffic whats goin on back there. That way when you get there in 20-30 minutes you are some what prepared for whats about to happen. This past month with my team company I got stuck with one of these idiot super truckers. I ran out of fingers and toes of the accidents we almost got in. He locked up at Donner's twice cause he was driving too fast and way out of control. Remember, your the professional out there. Screw whats in your rearview flickin you off, or honking the horn, or flashing the lights or whatever. Worry about you. Stick to your guns, take it easy, and slow down. There is no amount of freight worth putting your life, someone elses life, or your license in jeopardy.

Feb 25, 2010
by: Jimmy

Before descending in icy weather, wait for the sand truck or the sun to melt it. You'll just end up sliding if you try it on ice. Wet roads are OK, just need to slow a little. Jimmy

Feb 24, 2010
by: andy

always start out at the top in a speed limit that you fell like youre in control no matter what other ddrivers are doing also dry brakes with a little pressure but dont over heat good luck aj

Feb 24, 2010
by: andy

always start out at the top in a speed limit that you fell like youre in control no matter what other ddrivers are doing also dry brakes with a little pressure but dont over heat good luck aj

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