How do you get a truck to take your onroad test in?

by Randy
(Holyok, MA)

I've just started reading up on all of this, I love driving and the whole trucking lifestyle sounds like it would fit me. I found out I've got about 3 months before my job will be outsourced so I'm really considering trucking (I can't stand the office jobs anymore).

My main concern is I don't really have money to go to a school, I was planning to learn it on my own. I've taught myself plenty in the past and know I could do it. But what about getting a truck to do the on road test with? I wouldn't even know where to start with that.

Thanks for any replies.

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Mar 30, 2010
Whoa horsey!
by: NickV

Randy one thing you may want to look into before spending all this money is a company that will hire you without any schooling or experience. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the trucking industry is busting at the seams with applications. As soon as ice road truckers came out and the economy crashed alot of people went running to trucking schools cause its just about the easiest and quickest way to obtain a new career. Now by no means am I saying dont go for it. Just dont want you to be like me and have a CDL and have it just sit in your wallet. I finally got a job after 9 months of trying but I had a school on my resume. Let us know what happens with your journey. Good luck

Mar 17, 2010
getting a truck to take the road test for CDL
by: Hervy

Randy that is the toughest challenge for anyone wanting to study and get licensed without trucking school.

If you don't know someone with a tractor and trailer, there may be a private instructor around your area who will rent you a truck for road test.

If you cant find anyone, you might just want to hire a company to take road test lessons if they will let you use the truck to test.

For instance I saw this place where they charge like $200 for a private lesson on road test.

That's a lot cheaper than CDL School but you will get hands on in the truck and they may let you test on the truck. Don't know have to contact them and check it out.

Other places may be in your area.

trucking schools

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