How do you guys deal with the no idle rules when its cold or hot ?

by Bill

Just wondering how you stay warm or cool when your trying to get your rest.

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Aug 23, 2011
Have a pet
by: Anonymous

I read somewhere maybe even this forum, that if you have a pet you have to be allowed to keep a comfortable temperature or it is animal cruelty. So that is one way to be able to idle and avoid a penalty (maybe). My husband's APU unit was out for most of the summer. He does not like to idle at these gas prices. That advice just stayed with me :)

Aug 23, 2011
Anti-idle laws and idling alternatives
by: Vicki Simons

Given the growing number of anti-idle laws in various jurisdictions around the USA -- ranging from entire states to smaller districts -- professional truck drivers have basically five choices:

1. Put up with the temperatures in their trucks regardless of how cold or hot they are;

2. Attempt a little circulation with a fan (which really just moves the air at whatever temperature it is);

3. Run a truck-equipped, diesel-powered APU (auxiliary power unit);

4. Run a battery-powered climate control device until the charge in the batteries draws down too far; or

5. Risk getting a ticket by idling for comfort in spite of the law.

My husband Mike and I believe based on the research we have done that humans can experience severe health problems from being too hot or too cold. One's sleep can also definitely be hindered, leaving one feeling un-rested and sleepy.

If a driver's company does not install an APU in his/her truck, we put forth a proposition
where the company and the driver both have a win-win situation.

When it comes to getting good and comfortable sleep in one's truck, both action and inaction can be costly when it's hot or cold. We feel that the costs have not been calculated (or even estimated) and cannot be accurately known until more research is done.

We address this issue in greater depth at:

We wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons

Aug 23, 2011
Staying warm or cool
by: Anonymous

We do what we have too. Do you really think we are going to freeze or sweat our butts off trying to sleep and then drive another 11 hours?

Truth is most trucks, especially in California, are equipped with APU's which some work ok and others suck. If you dont have a APU then you idle. I have never seen idle rules enforced when there is extreme weather. Now if it is beautiful outside, then there is no reason to idle.

Just like most of this job, its all common sense.

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