How do you guys store your food on the road?

by tirxie
(desloge, mi, u.s.)

My husband had a good cooler, the kind you plug in, well after about 4yrs it finally gave out, we got another one, well that one the cord fried on it, same with the next 2.

This one, it just stopped working, what do you guys use to keep your food cold on the road and "if" you use a plug in cooler, what kind. ours were Coleman, they were like $100. ty

Response: I used the same type of coolers for food that you are talking about that you plug into the cigarette lighter.

You can get a pretty good deal on them at the big box stores.

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Jul 10, 2012
cool food NEW
by: Anonymous

look on the net. you can find them with freezer from 300 and up. but you have to wire directley to the batteries.

Jul 09, 2012
Suggestion NEW
by: NickV

I ran into a really nice driver one time up in Utah or Colorado or something, we were corral'd off a shut down highway into a huge parking lot for a stadium due to snowy conditions. This guy had a HUGE inverter and was running an actual refrigerator. It was one that you would find in a college guys dorm room full of beer but it had a freezer up top and everything. It was pretty damn cool. He also had a microwave, said he would make it through the house once a week and the wife would fill his fridge full of leftovers and he ate like a king. Guess the more time you spend out on the road the more you can afford and those simple things can make a big difference since your away from home so much. I had a cooltron and one day it just stopped cooling. Motor runs, just dont get cold. Called the company and they said send it to us. Catch is they make YOU pay to ship it. Was gonna cost almost the same freakin amount to just buy a new one. The inverter would be awesome but the amount it would draw from you batteries would be crazy. Not to sure how he had it set up but you may want to look into it. Hope this helps and stay safe out there

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