How do you maintain a relationship?

How do you keep a relationship going? I know that it can be tough driving a truck and balancing a girlfriend or a wife. How do you keep the relationship going?

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Jul 09, 2012
Happy Trucker's Wife NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband is a trucker and I love it! Of course, there are times that I miss having him beside me when I go to sleep. However, the times that he is home is more special because neither of us takes it for granted.

We have been married for 13 years, and although alot of marriages get bored by this point (if they last that long), our love is as strong as ever. It does take work though. Some ways that keep us close while he is out on the road...

- Get a Bluetooth! It is so nice to be able to call whenever we want. If the kids come home with something special that happened at school, they pick up the phone to call Daddy too.

- Suppertime. I will fix meals in advance and then fix him a plate/plates. When it is time for supper, he will pull over and use a microwave at a truck stop to heat it up. The kids and I will sit at the dinner table with the same meal, with the phone on speaker in the middle of the table. Although he isn't physically with us, we still get the interaction with him as if he was there.

- Leave notes for her to find while you're gone. Write on the bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. Leave a note inside the refrigerator. Pick flowers from the garden and stick them in her windshield wiper. The smallest gesture is a great way of showing her that you are thinking of her.

- My favorite thing about being a trucker's wife... the rider program! It is an awesome experience and makes for pretty much non-stop conversation. There is nothing like the closeness you feel after spending a few days together!

One last thing... I think it takes a certain kind of woman to be able to handle having a trucker for the love of her life. Understanding on her part is the key, and reassurance that you love her and miss her is the key on your part. Just because someone travels for a living does not mean that they cannot have a successful relationship. You make the best of what you have and roll with the punches, but you also work for it. Just because the other half isn't there, you do things to keep it feeling as if they are.

Hope that helps. :o)

Mar 26, 2012
Hw to maintain a relationship NEW
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend and I maintain our relationship by talking on the phone many, many times during the day. He is the first person I talk to every morning and the last person I talk to every night. I save the weekends for him since he is only home on the weekends. Basically you need to balance out how you want to spend the tme on your weekends. I am lucky in that I am in school full time this year so I have nights to get stuff done around the house and yard and if there is somehting special I have to do on the weekends he goes with me and vice versa. It can work out. He has been driving truck since 1989 and made it work. Love makes all the difference in the world.

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