How does a DUI from years ago effect my CDL employment.

by K. Clouse
(Mesa AZ)

I am getting my CDL and want to know how much effect a DUI from 3 years ago will effect the Trucking Co's from hiring me as a driver. Do most of them require a 10 year MVR , in my state of residence now I have a clean driving record Ive lived here for 3 years. The DUI was when I lived in Cali.

Thanks for your information-

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Nov 14, 2011
dui NEW
by: Anonymous

i had a dui 5 yeras ago got the job .

Aug 25, 2011
DUI.and trucking
by: hervy

Will it have a negative impact? Definitely. Is there some company out there that will hire you? I am pretty sure.

Will easy to find? Not so sure. Although there is still a shortage of drivers more and more people are coming in and I see a big push coming since jobs is a huge conversation.

Call around to trucking companies and see what type of feedback you get. If you have the money, I say get them now rather than later and just keep trying for a job until you find one. The older the Dui is the easier it will be but if you wait, I don't know if they won't make it harder to get your CDL. (Just a thought of mind)

But of course, if your like many who don't want an extra bill without income to pay it then you don't want to create it. That makes sense.

Again, call a lot of companies, tell you record, ask if they would be able to employ you and see what type of feedback you get.

Good luck!

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