How does a ex-felon get work as licensed trucker?

by Jessel

I'm a felon looking to become a trucker

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Jan 13, 2011
becoming a trucker as a felon
by: Hervy


I agree with Nick, it will be tough getting a job as a Felon, won't say it's impossible yet though.

You definitely will have to be out there meeting people for the best results. As you can imagine many trucking companies hiring managers will see felony and go the the next application. Knowing someone that knows someone (networking) will be your best bet to get hired.

One ideas I just posted to someone else was to pick up your yellow pages and visit diesel mechanic shops. Not franchise, but the independents.

Make good conversation to find out what it is like to be a mechanic or go straight to asking them if they know owner operators looking for a driver. These guys work mostly on owner operators trucks. Meet enough of them with the right attitude and who knows what you may discover.

Here is the link to the page about Trucking jobs for felons for other tips advice and some companies that people recommended like Carolina Cargo Trucking Jobs for Felons

Jan 13, 2011
All depends
by: NickV

Quite honestly and some guys on here may disagree but if you don't have your cdl you may want to look at a different avenue for work. I think you can still obtain a cdl, not even sure of that though, but finding a job is gonna be rough unless you know someone. Trucking industry is exploding at the seems so they are starting to put more and more restrictions on everything. Felonies is one of the biggest problems along with dui's and drug possessions. Of course I wouldn't want to pop your bubble or anything, if you have your cdl you can look around. If you don't I'm just telling you it will be a long road and your options will definitely be few and far between. I could be wrong but I think Hervy (site operator) even posted a tab where he put jobs that hire felons, not positive but I think I saw that on here one time. Whatever may happen I wish you luck. Also the further back this felony happened will help out your situation. If its fresh you need to start looking for a local job cause its out of the question

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