How does a trucker get a trucking job with a wreck on his dac

by randall brock

I've had nothing but,the big word's,can't hire with a wreck on ur dac

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Jun 14, 2010
by: American Trucker

A lot of it has to do with the companies insurance.
and if you were charged with wreck or not.Call the company back ask for copy of DAC report they by law have to give you one.Then go over it and mark in red anything that you dont agree with.Mail to Dac-company it came from an they'll make corrections FREE.OR go to DAC.COM and you can get your own 1 time a year for FREE.
Hope this helps....
American Trucker

Jun 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

it is according to how long ago the accident was and what type it was and with tsa 2010 starting in november you beter hire a good lawyer to get it fixed or reduced

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