how does one make poopy inside a truck and dispose of it

by yolo

When i'm in a public restroom i get distracted when i hear people, no matter what it is, worse is using a stall after another just flushed a record breaking log.

Second is i would need to clean the toilet seat before using it, just so i can sit there a good 10 minutes and make sure there's nothing left.

Rather make it quick and feel the need to go back and find someone else is in the same stall where i just cleaned, making it stinky again.

I may have to find some systematic approach, and do what i gotta do even if someone is pounding on the door if i'm in too long, and its a little embarrassing when you walk out of a restroom after i've been in there a long time.

It gives me a kinda feeling everyone is looking at my face and it says i just took the biggest crap of a lifetime.

To me i feel like its a party foul when someone stinks up the place.

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Jun 25, 2014
"Clean Waste Portable Toilet" NEW
by: SQ609

I would recommend that you go online and look up "Clean waste portable toilet". I'm a truck driver and I've owned one for years. They're portable and they come in handy if you're like me and don't like sitting on public toilets. They fold up like a an over sized briefcase and can be tucked away behind the passenger seat. They come with disposable enzyme waste bags that chemically react to human waste. has one:

Jun 25, 2014
"Clean Waste Portable Toilet" NEW
by: SQ609

I would recommend that you go online and look up "Clean waste portable toilet". I'm a truck driver and I've owned one for years. They're portable and they come in handy if you're like me and don't like sitting on public toilets. They fold up like a an over sized briefcase and can be tucked away behind the passenger seat. They come with disposable enzyme waste bags that chemically react to human waste. has one:

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