How does the trailer's door gets locked?

by George David
(Chicago, IL)

tractor trailer doors

tractor trailer doors

I am an aspiring movie writer. I have this scene where the hero is trying to escape from the bad guys. He rides his truck loaded with furniture; I need to find a way for the trailer's door to open up and the furniture falls out as he's being chased by the bad guys.

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Feb 28, 2010
trailer doors
by: Hervy

Hello George,

I will show you a pic of how the trailer fingers rotate to lock behind stationary studs. The latch that is used to rotate the metal bar that the fingers are connected to is then supposed to be locked behind a swinging flap.

If a driver does not secure that flap or make sure it falls down over top of the latch, the latch could jump up on bumpy roads and allow the bar to rotate so that the fingers come from behind the metal studs and that would allow the doors to swing open.

All you would need to do is mention that the trailer was loaded top to bottom front to back improperly secured (please say the loaders did it and not the driver, lol), which means that the stacked furniture at the end of the trailer would also fall down onto door which has become unlatched over the bumpy road and push the trailer doors open.

Presto you have a legitimately plausible scene in story of how the furniture falls out of the back of the trailer! (And your teaching a few lessons in the process...check and secure your loads, secure your latches for the trailer doors and not to follow behind trucks closely, congratulations)

Hope this helps

Feb 26, 2010
by: Andynymous

yeow jimmys right you could also rig a air valve to open door locks

Feb 26, 2010
Movie maker.
by: Jimmy

This one's easy. In movie making, anythings possible. Normally, trailer doors are latched shut. You would have to film with a setup rigged so the doors could open while appearing to be latched. Or, use a roll up door that can be opened from the inside. Jimmy

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