How flexible is time off as a trucker?

by Aaron Dean
(Atlanta, GA.)

I have a kind of unusual question. I play a game called disc golf on the professional level. I have been playing for many years and am very passionate about it. There are courses located all over the United States mostly in public parks.

I have two questions:

Being a truck driver could one find a couple of hours to stop and play a course two or three times a week?

Also tournaments occur on the weekends all over the country, would it be possible to get a couple of weekends off a month to play tournaments given that the location doesn't have to be the same.

For example one week if I was in the Kansas City area I might could play a tournament there and the next week maybe I am somewhere else where a tournament is being played.

It seems like it would be easier to get time off if you didn't always want to be home and was flexible about where you wanted the time to come at.

I hope that makes sense.


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Jun 05, 2011
How flexible is time off as a trucker
by: TruckerYitz

yeah sure, if you book your own loads like at landstar or other self booking load system. then you choose where yo u need to be. then take the time off and when you are ready again to roll book frieght out of that area if there is any available. or go chase some frieght someplace else.

but if you want a dedicated route wellk you may be able to see lots of real estate on both ends of the turn-around.

and if you think a dispatcher will get you to everyplace you want to go with enough time to platy golf.......well good luck to you on that....its enough challenge to get as driver home for a birthday or such.

good luck.

May 30, 2011
Time for golf ???
by: Jimmy

Yes, you'll have time, but the time needs to match up with a course nearby. Lets say you have a free week-end in a major city. Now you have to find an accommodating golf course that allows for truck parking. If you can't you need to get transportation there, right ? Parking an 18 wheeler is always a problem, wherever you go. Jimmy

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