How hard is it to get a local trucking job right after trucking school?

by Ladyinleppard
(Big Bear Ca)

I have many questions about trucking :) here's a few

How hard is it to get a local trucking job right after trucking school?

I was wondering if anyone out there has a teenager they take with them on there job?

Hubby and I are thinking about trucking as a team.Our daughter is 13 and in home school.I wonder if she will hate it? She is at an age she hates everything and don't go out much anyway, can this possibly bring her out of her shell or make matters worse?

Do trucks get High Jacked often?
Is it easy for a tuck to flip over?
what is the best trucking job as far as pay?

Is it better by mileage, per hour or per job?
Are truck stops scary if you have Little dogs and a young kid w/you?

I here about lot lizards? What keep that away? Thanks

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Jan 08, 2009
by: Ladyinleppard

Thanks again for the heads up.Any info is very helpful and you have said very important stuff. Now if I can find a school that will train us for low cost out of pocket, with a contract to pay them back, and a company that will allow my kid and dogs this will be great.

I keep finding one or the other not all 3.Crst sounded perfect till they said I couldn't bring my daughter and she wont be 18 for another 4 and a half years, so I cant go through them.They also said they have never had any layoffs.I'm hoping she will enjoy it once we get going and I hope it will be something she wont hate.

Is there internet in trucks? I don't know if that's a stupid question but that's one thing she does love.


Jan 07, 2009
ladyin lepperd
by: jimmy

hi, jimmy again. thought of something else to tell you. do not EVER tell anyone what you are hauling in your trailer. not anyone in person, over the c/b, even another same co. driver.

keep your trailer locked and sealed . this is because if you only use a seal, it can be breached and if someone gets in the trailer and doesn't take anything, you have headaches still.

many receivers will not accept a load if the seal is broken or missing. now if the trailer is locked, i wouldn't think someone would break the seal. if they do get in and take something, you will have more headaches than you want in police reports, conversations with co. dispatch/safety depts.

if you absolutely had to mention what you are hauling, just say recycled cardboard......jimmy

Jan 07, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks for you advice Jimmy, I appreciate it :)

Jan 07, 2009
lady in lepperd
by: jimmy

those are good questions. the crazy trucker gave you good info. actually, high jacked trucks are more common than you hear about. I've heard 15 billion dollars a year. most hijacked trucks are stolen when the driver parks them and returns later. most are jacked near sea ports as well. I'm not trying to scare you, just some facts. roll over accidents are really hard to do. but again, use your common sense. truck stops scary? most are just fine but some are havens for the underworld lowlifes. hookers, drugs etc. a lot of panhandlers also. don't look like a wimp when around a truck stop. what's really scary are some of the other truckers.

i would suggest hubby goes first in to the business, then you and daughter come along later. if all you family members and dog jump into it cold, you may get a rude awakening with the lifestyle. ....jimmy

Jan 03, 2009
Thanks for your reply to all my questins
by: Ladyinleppard

Thanks so much for all your helpful answers.I appreciate it.I want this to be a great and safe new adventure for my family and myself.

Jan 02, 2009
getting a local trucking job right after trucking school
by: thecrazytrucker

That is a very hard task(getting a local trucking job right after school). It takes more skills to drive locally than over the road. Because of this, most companies would much rather have an experienced driver for local trucking. And of course many experienced drivers are usually wanting a local job, so they are pretty hard to find anyway. However, nothing is wrong with giving it a shot.

I have read in one of the trucking magazines about a husband and wife taking a teen and homeschooling on the road with much success. Didn't really surprise me. Studies show (I learn this on focus on the family radio program) that most home school children, do better than the public school child of the same grade level.

I figure whether she comes out of the shell or not can be affected by how much you involve her in the activities during the trucking experience. Don't let her sit in the truck have her come in to the shippers and receivers, make her responsible for some task that requires her involvement. (and try to make it fun or rewarding)

Trucks don't often get hijacked(often being the key word here), especially if they are where they are supposed to be and a little common sense is used.

You will learn about center of gravity in trucking school, its no different than knowing how fast to turn a curve in a SUV. The higher the load in the trailer the easier it is to flip and usually you will have to go a ridiculous speed in order to flip it.

If your load it to the top of the trailer and it is something that weighs the same from top to bottom then you center of gravity is pretty high and you would need to go much slower in curves.

Liquids change in motions so you would go slower also.

Like I said, you will learn that in truck driving school.

There is nothing scary about truck stops with either little dogs or little girls(well, 13 is not a little girl).

There is nothing you can do to really keep lot lizards away, if they come you just ignore them and they go away. Or if they see a woman in the truck they will go away anyhow.

Also, you can ask about truck stops in the area before you get to where you are going and just avoid the few left that have lot lizards. Really not that big of a deal.

Happy Trucking

Oh, is pay better by the mile or by percentage? It all depends on the company, ask the company what can you expect to make per month, that should give you a real figure to work with so you can compare percentage to per mile companies.

Some companies use percentage to disguise low compensation. Other companies pay very well by giving percentage of the load. So that was a good question unfortunately there is no cut and dry answer. Like i said ask what is the monthly average pay.

Happy trucking

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