How has the current economy had on the trucking business in general and on truckers specifically?

by Henry
(Newport News VA)

I'm considering selling my home and using the money to buy a truck. I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into.

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Jan 17, 2012
Trucking On the Rise
by: Ashley F.

Right now trucking is on the rise for sure. The trucking industry is one of the industries actually coming out of the recession right now. To find some loads you can check out lots of sites - this is a good one

Dec 04, 2010
The Economy and Trucking Today
by: Hervy

I think if you watch this video I recorded back in April you will realize that my theory of what to expect is pretty close to what you see playing out right now. The economy is already picking up but it will be a good while before there is any sense of normal activity. Especially for those who are under the false illusion that normal is the height of the economy and market. Normal is prior to the inflated growth.

the economy and trucking today

Employers now have money in the bank just like I predicted they would in the video.

I think after 1st quarter or when the medical and tax issues are settled so they actually know what to expect and they will start to hire a few more workers. After they hire there will still only be slow growth, people have to catch up on their bills first before spending on their checks on junk.

They (new, media outlets, etc) will cry about growth being slower than expected instead of focusing on the fact that there is growth. (Which is counter productive to speeding up growth because those negative reports create doubt and concern especially in workers who are watching every dime and worried about losing their new jobs, which means sales and demand will continue to be slow)

In any case though, growth is growth and eventually things will slowly pick up. As long as they don't get nervous and print another wad of cash the economy will continue to heal. Time is the only remedy at this point. The sooner people learn that there is no magic and no way to escape the pain and suffering the quicker we will face it head on and let it pass instead of doing things to prolong the effects.

Now first quarter I predict we will lose jobs and the market will dip but don't be alarmed because it will just be a temporary thing.

Next year will be a better year if wiki leaks don't get a war started or something!

(Yep, i got a crystal ball, lol!)

So basically I agree with Jimmy, LOL Adventure!

Dec 03, 2010
Crystal ball says.....
by: Jimmy

My crystal ball says you are in for an adventure. Jimmy

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