How I can I get a driving job if I have a cdl already but little experience and a misdemeanor.

by Blue C

I have had a Class A Cdl since 2001. I have driven several types of equipment but never OTR.

In Wyoming a drove a semi and 53 ft flatbed hauling commercial utility supplies in terrain that most will never see much less drive on.

Ive been pushed up mountains by a bulldozer and had roads made for me as I drove, basically I'm sure I can handle the highways.

I cant go through CDL training since I already have and now this misdemeanor is haunting me.I was charged with assault for trying to remove the keys from my more than drunk wife's hand as she was falling from the drivers seat in the driveway.

Even the police thought the charge was absurd but had no choice.What can I do? Are their any options?

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Dec 01, 2011
getting a trucking job with little experience and misdemeanor
by: NickV

If you haven't gotten a lawyer it would probably be smart to get one first off. Second if you have not been convicted of it yet then its not on your record. I don't know how you would resolve this problem while out on the road but there are options.

Some companies will take these kind of offenses as long as they are not felonies. You may be able to get a local aggregate hauling job on your minimal experience as long as it is provable.

If not you can also look into getting into a larger carrier which will probably require you to take a refresher course and then would have to go through their orientation and then out with a trainer for however long they wish.

Unfortunately with your experience and the time gap of your last working behind the wheel you will have to prove yourself before these insurance carriers will even allow any employer to look at you.

Good luck to you

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