How I got my foot in the door when I couldn't get a job the normal way

by Mr. Man
(Daytona Beach Fl)

Well, I've read all comments. I hate to say it but there's no hope for us felons. Now days it's all about who you know and of course money talks.

When times were rough and couldn't find a job I would go to different places and find out who's been there the longest, who's closest to the person that does the hiring or even see if the person hiring don't mind making some extra money and if so I'm usually willing to pay anywhere from $100 to $200 to who ever gets my foot in the door then once I'm in I'll be working my way up the ladder.

If all else fails then, like any man you gotta do what you gotta do to feed your family. Make sure you master it and be the best and know when to say enough is enough and start investing. BUT FOR ALL YOU BELIEVERS PUT GOD FIRST AND ASK HIM AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. BUT YOU MUST BE A BELIEVER AND HAVE FAITH.

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Sep 12, 2014
No pay job NEW
by: Anonymous

I graduated from Roadmaster. I have been driving about a year, no accidents. Never failed a drug test. I have felonies from the 90' 92 and 97. All were alcohol related and did some pretty stupid stuff when I drank. I straightened my life out and wanted to be a trucker more than the road. I'm stuck at a company that pays .18 and .22cpm and I can't make any money at all. I try other companies but can't get hired because of first year insurance. Where do I find the companies that will hire me at a decent waga.

Jul 26, 2014
Driving Jobs For Felons Reply NEW
by: Mr. Black Man

First off man, you need to tone down on the street look. Never put to much of your personal life online. You make others feel like you're still in that life. You should note that employers do google search potential employees these days. They look to get a glimpse of your personal life.
As far as jobs for ex-felons. I know my company Sun Coast Resources hire some with past records. My company is headquartered in Houston Tx, but they hire all over Texas for the various terminals. We are mainly a tanker company. We transport gasoline and crude oil. You can easily make $72k+ a year on the crude side and still go home every day. If I were you man, I'd do a google search on "companies that hire ex-felons". You'd be suprised, but many offer opportunities for you. I'm sure they don't pay much. So if I were you, I'd push to the crude oil side of the business. You'll be driving in the oilfield. But you'll get paid like a mother*%+*#%......

By the way .... Frac Teams drivers make around a $100k a year and work about 13-15hrs a day @ around $ clean up in o/t pay...they drive small class b tanker trucks and refuel drill site equipment every 2 to 3hrs when on a job site

Oilfield CDL Class A & B Drivers need the following:
Complete Work History

Good Luck Playboy

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