How is team pay calculated?

by anthony
(Savannah Ga)

Does all companies only split the cents and the miles go to the truck, and if the company does split the cents and the miles, is it good to drive for a company that does that and can you make a decent living that way?

Or is it best to team for a company that just split the cents and the miles goes to the truck?

thank you in advance for your responses.

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Jan 13, 2009
Team pay
by: Jimmy

Hey Anthony, Sounds like you may be a little confused, but not to worry. Jimmy's here! Team pay, whatever the rate is, is split right down the middle in most cases.

As an example, lets say you drive for Kennesaw Trucking out of Atlanta. They are a good example because they do run team to the west coast and back. For instance, they pay .45 per mile to the team which will be split evenly. That is for every mile that truck runs. So you would get 1/2 of .45 for the duration of the run. Approximately 2400 miles, Atlanta to Fresno, as an example.

Now you may think, hey, wait a minute, thats only 22 1/2 cents per mile that you get as opposed to a solo driver getting maybe .38 cents per mile. Sure, but remember this, a solo can only run 13-14,000 miles a month. A team can run 28,000 easily.

It will depend greatly on available freight just how hard you run. As you can see, a team just keeps on trucking, a solo has to stop when he has no more available hours. A team cannot really run out of hours. A team can do Fresno to Atlnta in 40 hours. A solo needs more time, that is running legal of course. Sometimes, you have to wait to get a load, no matter a team or solo.

Team driving is ok if you get along with your partner. I'll blog later re: team vs solo. Hope this helps....Jimmy

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