How long can a company keep a trucker on the road.

by Sonja

My husband stated he drives 11 hours is down for 10 hours and on a 7 to 8 days can only work 70 hours then has to be down for 24 to 34 hours a week. But by doing this how long can my husband be out there before it is illegal or morally wrong.

The only reason I'm asking,he said if the company told him he has to stay out there 365 days then he has no choice but to do so. In 9 weeks I've only seen my husband literally 5 minutes since he left for training.

He also keeps telling he is coming home but doesn't know when and for how long. Yet his parents said he is coming home this weekend and for 4 days.

I have tried to be supportive with still handling the house, our only child, my schooling and my work, making sure he got pictures of us when he stated he had none, and I always made sure I did without if he needed extra money as well as more phone minutes.

Yet I found myself asking him if the company wants us to split up because of how much I see him and he is telling one minute he is coming home and then he don't know if he is.

Any comments or suggestions PLEASE!!!

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Jul 13, 2012
home time
by: stephen

I have been driving for 18 years and never have I had a company ever want to keep me out more that a month at a time. Sounds to me like he has had enough with his marriage and you should divorce him and get as much alimony as you can get from him he is lying to you about having to be out for a solid year. Sorry but he has left you and not man enough to tell you. He may have met someone and is afraid to tell you. Or call the company that he works for and ask them how long they keep their drivers out. then call him with the answers you got from the company

Jul 13, 2012
home time
by: Anonymous

I have been driving for 18 years and never have I had a company ever want to keep me out more that a month at a time. Sounds to me like he has had enough with his marriage and you should divorce him and get as much alimony as you can get from him he is lying to you about having to be out for a solid year. Sorry but he has left you and not man enough to tell you. He may have met someone and is afraid to tell you.

Mar 05, 2010
How Long Can a Company Keep a OTR driver Out
by: Hervy


Sorry you are going through such hard times. Average times out for most large carriers is 2 to 3 weeks. (might hit 4 every now and then) No decent trucking company is going to just keep a driver out indefinitely.

Plus you said that there is a contradiction of what he is telling you and telling your parents so I will let you think about that for a second.

I am not there and don't know who he works for but to me 5 minutes in 9 weeks sounds ridiculous. Most companies are coming around to realizing they get better quality drivers when they treat them just a little more human. If yous guys are anywhere near a major highway I don't see why he should be able to get home more often.

Does he get an attitude when you ask him about coming home more often than he does?

If I were you I would have a serious talk about the issue. Let him know how you feel and that is not a joke. His response should give you a good idea about where his head and heart is.

We are only hearing your side of the story and if you are truly trying to be supportive then, it really does not make sense for a man act the way you are describing.

Both of you should be making equal effort to make it work otherwise you will feel like the only one who cares about the relationship.

Tell him how you feel. Neglected and mistreated. Hopefully he just doesn't realize what he is putting you through.

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