how long do you have to have a valid licence to apply for a cdl licence?

by Big Mike
(high point nc)

My license was Suspended 4yrs ago, for failure to pay a fine, I recently paid the fine & got my license back. Can I apply for a cdl license now? & If so, Do you think any company's will hire me?

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Nov 28, 2011
by: big Mike

I appreciate that, I have talk to a couple companies & they told me that I would need to have my licence back for 1yr, before they would hire me, I have been driving with class c license since 1989.

I have never had a accident, I have never had any insurance points, no points on my licence, no dwi's, no dui's, no moving violations. So would that be all companies that require the valid license for 1yr? Are should I just call around to different companies to see if anyone will give me a chance to prove myself.

Nov 23, 2011
applying for CDL
by: hervy

If you have your valid driver's license back you can get your CDL.

After 4 years you should be able to eventually finding a trucking company that will hire you.

Call around to companies and see what type of feedback they give you.

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