How many hours a week does the average trucker idle their engine?

by Kelly
(Baton Rouge, La)

I am doing research for a product. I need to know the idling hours, per week (month, year, whatever) of the average trucker.

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Jun 24, 2010
Idling time for big trucks
by: Jimmy

Depends, if a driver idles overnight, that's 8-10 hours. If he idles waiting to get loaded/unloaded, that could be 1 hour to 8 hours. Parking for a few minutes to sign in at the shipper and idling is a few minutes.

In hot weather, you might idle over night, but turn the truck off at 3 am when it has cooled down. And another thing, idling is normally done at about 1000 rpm to keep the engine lubricated.

Some drivers have their engine running basically 23 hours a day, including driving and idling. Jimmy

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