How much can you expect to make as a none driving owner operator?

I am thinking of buying a truck for cash with my own trailer, If I hire a driver and lease to a company can I make a little money?

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Dec 12, 2011
can you make money as an owner operator who doesn't drive the truck
by: hervy

Yes you can make a little money. Very little.

just joking, kind of.

That's not a good enough question for the answer you would like.

Is money out there to be made? Yes
Is it automatic? No
Can you go broke? Yes
Is it a high risk? Yes

So you are starting right in asking what you know to ask. Here is my advice.

Continue talking to owner operators with others driving their truck to learn the pitfalls and get tips.

Here are things to consider.

    It's hard to find good dependable drivers who will treat the job and equipment the way you would.
    There is not guarantee that equipment will not break down, it must be factored in.
    Compare the experience you will require to drive your truck. See what the market (other companies) is paying a driver with that experience. You want to make your situation better for them.

You are talking about paying cash for the truck, this may mean you have money set aside. If that is the case it is a big plus for you. If you are talking a truck under warranty (newer not new) bigger plus. (If it is a reputable program)

Break downs can kill you if you are struggling to pay the bills.

Next you need a good driver. If he is not the right type of person, he can keep you from having a good relationship with the company you are leased to or the companies that you deliver to and pick up from. You want someone responsible, who will have pride in being on time and his/her job as a trucker overall.

A bad driver will be prone to get violations from the D.O.T. and tear up the equipment if you are not careful about who you choose to drive.

Next you need to have enough profit margin. Not all companies or situations will pay enough to have that profit margin.

You need to find that company. Fed Ex is one as you will see on the Owner Operator page. Larry has been doing it for years with several trucks at Fed Ex. Obviously he is making money. Or he could potentially be, he also states how hard it is to find a good driver. Because of this at the time, he had trucks with no drivers.

But there are other companies. One of the best ways to ensure good profit is to specialize in other hauling too. But it also means increased responsibility required by your driver.

It's tricky. There is money to be made. It's not a given that you will make it but it is likely if you go about it informed.

If I were you, I would try to ride with an owner operator and see how things work and talk his head off with questions for a few trips trips.

Best of luck,

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