how much experience needed to get a local truck driving job

by Anonymous

I am a newly minted OTR truck driver & the only reason I am doing this is because I wanted to drive tractor trailers for local companies like UPS, FedEx, Pepsi & CocaCola & they all told me I had to have at least 1 year OTR experience.

Now my friends who are not truck drivers told me that they heard a minimum of 1-3 years OTR experience is needed.

Now are my friends correct? I told them what these companies told me & my friends told me that at their place of work, they were bragging that I am an OTR trucker & after my experience I want to get a local job & their co-workers told them I was told the wrong info.

I do not wish to do OTR for a long time because I want a steady paycheck because when the wheels stop, the payroll stops!

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Nov 09, 2013
Getting a local trucking job
by: Hervy

If they told you that you only need a year then maybe that is their minimum requirement. However, you have to keep in mind that those are highly sought after positions.

The better reputation a company has, the more competition there is to get hired there. The reality may be that 1 year will not be enough to beat out all of the people who are applying with 2, 3 or 4 years or more.(Which might be why those other people are saying you won't get it with 1 year's experience)

So as far as that goes, all you can do is give it a shot and don't give up. Timing could favor you.

As far as getting a steady paycheck as OTR driver though, many OTR drivers get a steady paycheck. By the time you get a year's experience, if the company that you are at is not running you favorably you can go to one that will keep you moving.

Keep your record clean and identify other good OTR companies to try while you wait on the local job to come through in the event the company you get your year in with isn't meeting your needs.
high paying local truck driving job

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