How much life insurance should I take out

by Kris

I want to get life insurance for my husband and had told him I thought I should get $400,000 is this too much?

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Jun 10, 2013
by: Anonymous

Hell NO!!!!!!!

Feb 18, 2013
If that is reasonable
by: Anonymous

Remember to think about a few things when you think about life insurance.

1. Paying off the mortgage completely.

2. Enough to pay for all of your child's college education in a 6 year situation for each child.

3. Paying off all credit cards and vehicle notes.

4. Money to live off food, clothing, gas, utilities, etc.. for at least 3 years so you may go back to school or training for a new job and a good job, not at Walmart.

5. Enough for grieving, and counseling to get you back on your feet emotionally and physically.

6. Enough for a mini vacation to help you deal with the loss of your husband.

7. New clothing for a new job.

I would say you have to take more into consideration when you lose a loved one. Think about it and do your math correctly.

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