how much money should you have in your pocket the first day you start etc...

by parish
(san jose ca. u.s.a.)

i was wondering if i go with a company and am going to be an over the road company driver what kind of money should i have in my pocket the first day i start before my first paycheck and a little insite on what kind of clothes to bring etc thing you should bring with you because i will be going out with a trainer for like 2 months and space is limited they said im new to trucking thanks again

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Sep 16, 2009
How much money should a new trucker bring out on the road
by: Hervy

Coming out on the road for three weeks will require a $100 bill for sure.

If you have comfortable clothes you don't mind getting dirty, a weeks worth will do. You will probably be going to the laundry enough to wash and keep some clean. If you don't have clothes don't buy any because t-shirt and shorts or even jeans have become pretty cheap at the flying j's. 3 t's for like $10 and Shorts for around $15. (of course if your going to buy some clothes you'll need more than $100 dollars for 3 weeks out try $200)

You want to bring a bag of food from walmart or somewhere similar, cereal, oatmeal, cans of fruit, beans, this will greatly reduce your food costs unless you just want to give your money away that you are out making. Food is expensive on the road.

Other items is normal traveling stuff, including flip flops for showers, 1 wash cloth and towel should be ok because all the showers at the 99percent of truckstops will have their own towels and soap. You will need shampoo, powder for your feet and a blanket and sheet too for good measure.

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