How much paperwork is involved in trucking?

by Catherine
(Caldwell, Idaho, USA)

Sample Trip Sheet Trucking Paperwork

Sample Trip Sheet Trucking Paperwork

How much paper work is involved in being a long haul trucker?

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Jan 25, 2023
Paperwork in Trucking - And other things to expect
by: The Crazy Trucker

Probably more than you expect but not more than you can handle.

For most common and entry level it's mainly Signing the BOL (Bills of Lading) when you get loaded.

And Getting the signature of the receiver when you deliver the load.

Now with electronic logs paperwork is dramatically less.

If you are hauling a blind shipment, there might be an extra set of BOLs

You need to keep track of the BOLs as well as the receipts for fuel, lumpers and repairs and turn them in with your trip sheets for loads.

(Again, at some companies this could all be done electronically. So the total amount of actual paperwork will depend on the company you go to.)

If you are doing household it will be a little more. A lot more if you're owner operator doing household.

Other types of jobs will also be more. For example route drivers and some tanker drivers.

Depending on your company, you might also need to turn in a trip sheet or load sheet.

It will have mileage for each state, fuel stops, and total mileage for the trip on it. I posted a picture of mine.

You might also need to write the shipper and receiver info. Depends on trucking company requirements.

I created an excel spreadsheet to do mine instead of writing it. So there's no issue with reading the handwriting. lol

What to expect as a truck driver

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