How much time do you get off?

by deb

SOOO...if you are out 10-12 days at a time how many days off are you entitled to?

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Jul 01, 2013
home time NEW
by: old timer

hello,the general rule for home time is 1 day off for every 7 days worked that means 7 days of truckin. if you ran for 4 days then had a layover for 1 day that 1 day counts against your home time,in other words if you stay out for 8 weeks you will be home for 4 days,most companies consider your no driving days on the road as time off.good luck

Jun 16, 2013
Time off NEW
by: Hervy

Nick and Anonymous are both right. At the end of the day, the amount of time off will vary company to company. They do it in different ways and your location relevant to the terminal you are out of also comes into play.

You will have to ask the company and then try to keep them to it most times.

Realize that sometimes, making them stick to a generous amount of time at home will mean smaller paychecks because you only get paid to drive.

So the further you stay out of the companies freight lanes, the harder or less desire they have to get you home and when they do some companies like to make you sit there longer than you want to in order to discourage you.

If you end up at this type of company. It is wise to find a company that is more compatible for you needs. That would be one that you see in your area often.

That means it won't be that big of a deal to get you home as agreed upon or per their policy. Which is likely to be more regular.

Jun 12, 2013
Days off, slim and none
by: NickV

First starting out I was getting about 4 days a month. Rule of thumb they use to use was you accumulate a day a week that you're out. Of course you have to be out already a month but if you went longer you got more days off. Reason being, routing.

It's hard enough to find loads getting you through the house and then trying to find loads out is the next problem. Schedule your days off wisely.

Jun 12, 2013
How much time do you get off
by: Anonymous

being out doesn't guarantee any time off but that's based on your company policy and the actual freight demand.

but after driving 11 hrs your are off for 10 hrs. of which is 8 hrs sleep. enjoy your two hrs off.........

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