How safe are truck stops for tween girls?

by Lydia

My ex husband is an otr driver and wants to take our 11, 12 and 13 year old daughters with him this summer on his long hauls.

He is not a safe person and I worry about what they would be exposed to. He is not the type of person that would watch out for their safety. Am I worrying needlessly?

He owns his own rig. The oldest 2 girls said he had them sign a waiver so they could ride in the truck but they had no idea what they signed.

I should also mention he has had 2 domestic violence charges on him and has quite a temper.

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Mar 22, 2015
Oh please
by: Anonymous

It is not as bad As jimmy says.
Most everyone at a truck stop is a trucker for the most part. after working 14 hours over the road most people will eat, shower and then go to bed in the truck.

Your girls are not going to be prancing around the truck stops gallivanting all hours of the night.

Get real.

Vagrants do not hang around those areas cameras are almost every where, solicitors are not allowed.

I take my woman all the time and we have never had an issue.

I doubt jimmy has even been to a real truck stop.

Give me a break.

Mar 22, 2015
Risk is too high
by: Lydia

Thanks Jimmy. It is not safe for ours girls. The risk is too high. Now to convince my ex. He told the court he was home every night and ended up getting them every other week in the summer.

He now plans on taking them on the road during that time. He travels to Texas, New Mexico, Detroit, Chicago as well as other places. Not comfortable with this situation.

Mar 21, 2015
Cause for concern.
by: Jimmy

3 teenage daughters ? Hubby (ex) can't keep an eye on them constantly. The problem is there are some un-desirable type people who hang around truck stops. Vagrants, low lives, bums, hitch-hikers and not-so upstanding drivers too. 2 or 3 young girls walking the parking lot late at night will spell trouble. And what will be the sleeping arrangements ? Jimmy

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