Truckers Report on Shady Companies

When people think about Hawaii, they picture beaches, luaus, and tourists in floral shirts—not big rigs hauling freight across the islands. But make no mistake, trucking in Hawaii is essential to keeping the islands stocked with food, fuel, and everyday goods. Unlike mainland truckers who can drive across state lines for thousands of miles, Hawaiian truckers operate within a unique system that presents its own challenges and advantages.

So, what’s it really like to be a trucker in Hawaii? Let’s break it all down!

Why Trucking? Why Hawaii?

One of the most frustrating experiences that truckers report is when the dispatcher pretends they don't understand they are asking the driver to run illegal in order to get a load where it is supposed to be on time.

As a trucker you are caught between being late and looked down upon down upon by the trucking company and risking getting violated by the D.O.T. for running illegal to make an on time delivery.

This is not only wrong, although was once common, it is illegal for them to ask you to break the law in this way. Document your experiences.

Another common scenario is when the trucking company or dispatcher wants you to run with faulty or unsafe equipment.

Sometimes they are trying to get you back into the shop at a terminal where it will be cheaper to repair. Some trucking companies, or your 1st line of contact (usually dispatcher)is so shady that they don't even plan to get things fixed unless it completely breaks down.

Operating unsafe or illegal equipment is also breaking the law.

Companies that operate this way habitually will usually end up with a poor record.

To check their safety record go here

To report these types of unsafe acts, you can call the D.O.T. to quickly address the problem. Some drivers simply get fed up and pull into a weigh station to report unsafe operation.

(I wouldn't go straight to this unless the companies seems to not care about running legal) Of course the company will not like this. They may seek creative ways to retaliate. Make sure you keep records of evidence of them operating unsafe before you ever call on them.

If you do end up having to report them, the company can not legally retaliate (fire you) against you.

Your are protected by whistle blower law for reporting your trucking company for violating the laws. To report trucking companies that are unquestionably violating the law.

Truckers report trucking companies who retaliate against them for reporting to D.O.T or any other organization including the media for legitimate complaints have 180 days from time of firing. This is not a fun or quick journey to take. However it is one of the ways to stop trucking companies from abusing drivers.

Here for truckers to report companies violating the whistle blower act.

Want to find out more information about the trucking companies safety standing?

Finding Information About Trucking Companies

Sometimes you need to get more information about trucking companies you come across. Especially when you are dealing with a small trucking company that no one has heard of and therefor can give you no feedback whatsoever.

You may not find information online in search or on any trucking forums or truckers blogs about the trucking company. These are the main companies that you need to be able to get information about and you can....for free.

Here is where you'll find identifying information, number of drivers, safety record and rating, some roadside inspection info and accident information.

All you need is the Trucking Company name
the Dot Number or the MC number, You'll see this on door of the truck.

Free Information About Trucking Companies

Here you'll find complaints about trucking companies and trucking schoolsat the rip off report

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Trucker Resources

Check or Report Trucking Companies
Get your DAC report
CDL Training Options
Local Trucking Companies

Medical Exemptions

In some instances you can apply for a waiver to Federal Motor Carrier Rules and Regulations. It is temporary relief. Here is more information on when, where, how and why.

It's possible to get waivers from FMCSR for these things
This is the process for applying for a waiver

Here are some key Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety rules and regulations to help you determine if you are compatible for the trucking lifestyle.

Drug Use and Abuse

NO on duty driver can posses, be under the influence of or use and drugs or substance listed in

Section 1308.11 Schedule I

Medical Rules and Info

Office of Medical Programs

Starting Jan 2012 you don't have to carry a DOT card if you are not exempt for medical conditions. Your medical exam qualification must now be reported to the state. You do still have to meet theses medical requirements to operate a commercial vehicle and get your D.O.T. physical.

Physical qualifications

If you have heard of filing for exemptions of some medical issues by the DOT examiner. That is true, you can get exemption for some conditions, meds, etc.

You have to file a medical exemption application
Truck Driving Jobs

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