How to Determine if trucker is Cheating?
Im a trucker for for 15 years and Im no kid. Im in my 50's. When we got married , all our kids were already grown, so it was just us. Hes been an OTR driver since his early 20's. So I knew he was going to continue to drive. But even during year #1, I found where he was joining dating sites, discreet meeting sites, sending very revealing photos, text messaging meeting spots.
But he always had an excuse to get out of it. I even found condoms in his truck. But with advanced technology now, he uses his cell phone and a tablet and I have no clue how to check on him.
Now Ill volunteer to help clean inside of his truck, and hes right there blocking my entrance saying he doesn't need help. His phone is blocked and protected so I cant check web sites and text messages. I heard of a detective website called spokeo that can hack into text messages, emails, etc. but actual users said that site was useless. I just need to know.
Im alone 90% every single year. ALL ALONE....and Im getting too old to be alone the rest of my life. There is no talk of retiring from him. There has been no sex in 14 years. I feel like a free holiday inn with laundry services and home cooked meals. He was home last night and we watched a movie where a man visited his alzeimer wife of 19 years every week, but was having regular sex with another woman. He commented that the man was a good husband to be so loyal to his wife by going to see her every week.
I said no he wasn't because he was having sex with another woman. He disagreed saying "but he was still devoted to his wife and provided for her by paying her bill
"....And Im thinking is this us ? I live with the fear of getting too old to find someone else when he meets someone younger and prettier. And I live with the fear of dying in this house and no one even finds me for days. Does anyone know of a service that you can hire to hack into his phone to check on web sites, text messages, emails, etc????? I NEED to know. I really need to know...
If you have an answer other than optimism and good luck please email me "" THANK YOU