How to find a job as a recent CDL school graduate........

by White Delight
(Sparks NV)

I graduated from trucking school in December of 2015 and since then have become very disheartened by how hard it actually is to break into the trucking industry and my chances of having a successful career.

I have yet to find work other than jumping into a truck and galavanting all over these great United States with a perfect stranger for a couple month's..... Which in no way sounds appealing to me AT ALL.

Now I do realize I am green, and just as with every industry i do recognize that you have to earn your stripes and take your lumps before you can actually be where you truly want to be but it seems a bit ridiculous.

I love driving, my record is spotless, and I have all my endorsement's but I can't find anyone who will hire me without experience, now how I get that experience?...... I don't know, so that is my ultimate question.

Is there anyway to break into this industry on a local level or at least on your own right from the start?..... Just looking for other ways besides the norm to do it and any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.........

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Jan 16, 2016
There are companies out there who will hire
by: Hervy

Sparks Nevada Trucking Jobs

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