How to get a trucking job with 2 felonies

I am a convicted felon twice. One was for an accident that resulted in the death of my very best friend and the other was for theft.. they are almost 5 years old...

Trying to get a job is tough when you are a felon.. I have my CDL Class A and drove truck a while back and want to get back on the road so bad..

Wished there was a company that would hire me. They wouldn't be sorry..

Any suggestions

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Jan 19, 2013
You might want to try a factory job first and than NEW
by: Trucker Joe

Most companies want to see no felonies for 7 years. Maybe you could try to look into a factory job. Some forklift operator jobs load and unload trucks. This way you would still be around the trucks and truckers. Maybe a company would than allow you to move a few truck around the yard. After 7 years has passed since any felony conviction you might be able to transit back into trucking. Stay out of trouble man.

Good Luck,
Trucker Joe

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