how to get a trucking job

by freddie

WELL THANKS TO THE DOT, IT IS HARD FOR ME TO GET A JOB.Since i have to list all of the jobs i had in the last ten years, companys don't want to hire me.

I had 8 jobs in the last ten years,some of these jobs i was moon lightning on. But soon as a company see all of these jobs they don't even want to bother calling these jobs up.

I been at my current job for 4 years and they are about to lay me off.

Is there anything i can do?

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Dec 19, 2013
uncle sam NEW
by: Anonymous

they want to tell us how to drive when to drive,what we can and cannot have in our truck but they don't want to pay us what were worth.

glad i found this site.

Apr 16, 2012
List 10 years..... NEW
by: Jimmy

Dude, you have to list the last 10 yrs, BUT, truck company only needs to verify the last 3...Per Fed rules. However, a few companies will verify the last 5, but really, nobody verifies the whole 10. 10 yrs is like an eternity.

Apr 16, 2012
List 10 years..... NEW
by: Jimmy

Dude, you have to list the last 10 yrs, BUT, truck company only needs to verify the last 3...Per Fed rules. However, a few companies will verify the last 5, but really, nobody verifies the whole 10. 10 yrs is like an eternity.

Apr 16, 2012
youll get hired relax NEW
by: little richie tampa bay

freddie somebody out there is looking for you, you have to throw alot of paperwork and computer time against the wall. You just have to break down doors and go get it. some want to see you in person others just computer. I am a baby boomer with experience and wisdom and still they rather hire a greenpea, so they dont have to pay them and make it a tunstile which most of them are.I myself have gone through some of the same experiences. junk is junk,so becareful and dont get caught up in wow it sounds good till you go to orientation then either they tell you to leave or the gig is so bad that youd rather roller skate home.Good luck & know you will success is loving what you

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