How to Overcome Highway Hypnosis

I don't have a tip but I have question. Why do I get heavy eyed when driving even after getting enough sleep?

Also, any tips on how to prevent this?

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Feb 14, 2017

by: Hervy

It could be your thyroid if you think that you shouldn't be getting tired.

You could also make sure you get proper nutrition.
Get exercise.
Eliminate junk food.

All of these things could cause you to be tired.

For ideas about overcoming being sleepy read this page.

Proper rest

Dec 02, 2016
Highway Hypnosis
by: Steve A. Mangram Sr.

This is a good question. As a OTR driver (ret) i found that if i was driving across Nebraska I would be super sleepy within the first hour, and here's the kicker, it would only happen when I was headed west bound, east bound i was fine.

My friend a fellow truck said that it was probably because sub consciously pre programed my brain to be bored and so my brain would basically just shut down to conserve energy.

Aug 22, 2016
heavy eyes
by: Anonymous

too much coffee.

Mar 21, 2016
Is it just when driving
by: Hervy

You might want to get your thyroid checked out. I was also wondering if it only occurred when you drive?

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