How to take care of mail and bills at home when OTR

by Norm

I'm an new older driver. I live alone with no family I can really count on.

What would be the best way to take care of mail and bills while I'm away from home If there's no one there to take care of it?

Thanks for the help.

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May 31, 2019
Tips for mail and bills
by: Hervy

I send my mail to a PO Bx. You can fund a checking account just for paying bills. Can even put them on autopay.

You can also pay most bills online line especially utility and cable.

If I were you there would be no cable or any other extra bill that you're paying if you're gone more than you're there.

Could save that money or put it on the house instead.

If you're renting (with your situation as you've stated) I would likely stop unless bound to a contract with penalties.

Save your money for down payment on a house. That solves some of the bills and mail too!

But of course that depends on your goals.

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