
(AV, Cali )

I am not going to give too many details because is like my soon to be husbAnd not to be aware of this quite yet. I am a 34 year old mom with a trucker boyfriend. This man was absent from our 8 year old son's life for his entire life and we just got back into contact last year.

He will not tell me anything he does out on the road. He is gone 6 out of 7 days a week and doesn't really take time off or anything. When we got back together he said it was to finally be a good dad to our son.

He moved us out of my apartment and into a house in the middle of nowhere and I just found out I'm pregnant again. DVR is so uninterested in even getting to know our son and I'm unable to work right now so I have no ability to financially take care of much. He leaves us at home with no money, no gas, and he's mean to us because we want more time with him.

I think I'm going to have to have an abortion and he refuses to even consider the baby his. Even though I have been with nobody the entire 8 years while he was MIA. ARE ALL TRUCKERS LIKE THIS AND HOW CAN I FIND OUT IF HES OUT ON THE ROAD MESSING AROUND ON ME? Sorry I'm just at a loss. And can he most likely get a week off to be here if I do go through with an abortion?

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Oct 24, 2015
Prayer NEW
by: Anonymous

Over the road truck drivers and their families needing prayer
800-248-8662 (24-Hour Driver's Prayer Line)
Chaplain Ron
Nashville, TN
Make the call save a life!

Sep 01, 2015
ideas NEW
by: Just another Life

Instead of the abortion, consider adoption. You can still start your life over and be away from him if that is your choice, but when going through adoption some couples will pay for your "needs" while you are pregnant. That would give you time to plan out what you are going to do next...

Now, that being said, if you decide to stay with him, there are places in every State that will help or find help.. Salvation army, 211, Good will, Womens Crisis shelter, etc...

May 25, 2015
Don't marry him NEW
by: Anonymous

I am not going to comment on getting rid of your baby. This man is not ready to marry you, he would not leave you with no money or gas. He may have a another family somewhere else, Get your son and run don't married him.

Aug 15, 2014
coaching or counseling for moving forward
by: Hervy

If he has been with that company for a good while and he is on the road like you said he is, he should be able to get a week off. Especially planned because he could work for 5 or 6 weeks straight to get the week. ( or whatever the company requires to give that amount of time)

However, some companies actually don't allow that much time off.

Sounds like you two could benefit from premarital counseling. He might need. I hope you seriously consider it.

I think he might benefit from attending a class about parenting also if he really wants fo be a good Dad to his son.

Often we don't have adequate background or training to do relationships in the best way. We allow ourselves to be used, abused or just mistreated or we can easily do it to someone else and not even realize it.

Some people never had the best modeling for healthy relationships so its a good idea to see if you are on track if you find yourself unhappy about it. Coaching or counseling can make a world of difference in perspective and attitude.

Best wishes

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