hubby just leased truck through the trucking company but I have a question about it

by L

a question about this leasing a truck with CRST flatbed can they really make it if their payments are 1200.00 a week, plus pay the bills at home or is it all a bunch of bull.

I think if you stay out and just run then maybe but when would they ever get home????

anyone know the answer...


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Sep 29, 2011
Easier said than done: Be positive
by: Marcie

It is so hard to budget for the major break downs, I know. Especially with the high lease you have. You will just have to see how first couple of monthes go and then try to get into some pattern of when he can take time off and have extra money to spurge on yourself. Example my husband works hard first 3 weeks of month because all money goes to deductions, last week we start seeing extra money to house. I do my own profit loss statement each month, so I can see where we are spending most of our money.

Good luck to you and stay positive, it will all work out. :)

Sep 14, 2011
by: D

Thanks D i just worry about 1200.00 a week for a truck that they picked for him to drive and he did'nt get a choice. Also now that he's leasing a truck he will be gone much longer than he use to be now about 2 months at atime. 4800.00 a month is alot so yea i worry there won't be enough for the house bills to. But if nothing else i'll give up the house and just go with him and see what happens.. I just don't want to lose my bestfriend and husband to a dream.


Sep 14, 2011
RE:hubby just leased truck through the trucking company but I have a question about it
by: D

It is very possible, my husband has his truck leased to one of the big companys. With a payment of $2000.00 a month. His company gives him plenty of miles and we do well. Also he comes home every two weeks. So it is very possible to lease a truck with a high payment and still bring home money.

Sep 07, 2011
leaseing truck
by: L

Well hubby got truck home, delievered first load now he's being told he needs a DOT inspection before he can get another load, this is not the way to start out with CRST,, He sit all day yesthday and now to be told this when he has a load he can get today,, don't think its going to happen. I'm not sure if this is going to work, bills are coming in and no money... don't see how it is.. Getting scared here.. Just not sure what to say to him to make him feel better....I'm not spending any money here but he has to to keep the truck moving.. Anyway i pray this gets better or i'm not sure where we will end up...


Sep 07, 2011
Starving like Marvin as a lease operator
by: Hervy

Is it possible, yes. It it likely....ummm

I haven't actually talked to a CRST lease operator.
I have talked to plenty of them at large carriers with those high truck payments.

Many of them complain about only getting enough miles to make the payments. Some stories are that at the end of the lease things really get bad like the company is trying to make them unable to pay so that truck can be taken back and then leased again, making the trucking company loads of money.

Maybe better money than hauling freight.

There were trucking companies in class action lawsuits because of this.

I would do it personally. It seems water under the bridge though, so at this point....he needs to do two things.

DO NOT waste money. Even if he IS making money right now.

He needs to be stacking as much as possible in case unexpected repairs need to be made or so if those starving marvin days come about he is not at the mercy of the dispatch.

Good luck and let us know how things are going.

Remember, stay ahead of the game and budge. That also means that you at home need to not spend money carelessly. Also if he has any problem with saving, you need to ask him to let you handle the finances.

Get the money out of his hand and save it so you guys are not caught off guard down the road.

Sep 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

It is a bunch of bull. Be a company driver. Crst will break you up. Make it sound good until you sign up, then the lies begin

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