Husband is a Trainer and he got a Female Student

by Erica

My husband is a trainer, and he got his new student the other day, and she is a female! I'm not to sure how I feel about this?

Ive never been insecure with him trucking and being away, but I feel a little un ease with a women being in his truck for the next 5-6 weeks..

I thinks it's more of me feeling like, he is not home with me and now he is spending time with another woman.

I know it's work but this is just my feelings am I being selfish?

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Oct 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

My husband is a trainer and has a female student with him right now. While I admit I have my moments because I want to be with him... I WHOLE HEARTEDLY trust him. Without trust you have no marriage. You should never not trust your husband, the moment you do is the downfall. If he DOES do something stupid, you deal with it then. Whether it be work through it or call it quits. My point is this... a man who is going to cheat, doesn't need to leave home to do so. No matter what job they do they are around women and will find ways if they decide to do things like that. I can tell you from experience that these woman who are students or trainees drive these trainers INSANE because they play the female card to try to get someone else to do all the work for them outside the actual driving, that they actually start to LOATHE the women. My husband vents on me AT LEAST 3 times a day! Anyway, if you trusted your husband at home, and he has never shown signs of love loss for you... TRUST HIM or even without the female student, your doubts in him will be your downfall.

Sep 11, 2013
Just a comment to husband/female/mom NEW
by: Anonymous

your statement..

"And my mother had another saying that a hard (you know what she is talking about) has no conscience!"

You dont have to be a truck driver for this to happen...dont fool yourself they do it more closer to home than would be on the road cause as you put no matter WHAT a "hard" doesn't have a conscience!. that means anywhere.... including your next door neighbor.... even a cousin or sister.... hear bout that one all the time! thanks I didn't have any sisters!!

just saying....still going strong 25 years of marriage to a trucker!!!

Sep 11, 2013
Husband & being with females NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband is not a trainer but has had his team driver, who is a male, left him twice forcing him to drive solo & I specifically told my husband that when he asks for another team driver, that no way in hell will he get a female team driver! My father, who is now passed, wanted to be a truck driver but declined for several reasons & those reasons were that he did not want to be away from my mother & he did not want to get divorced from my mother because my father said too much crap goes on out there that would destroy the most solid strong marriage in a heartbeat & I would not feel comfy being intimate with my husband when he would be home because you know damn well that husbands would never tell their wives that they were doing hanky panky while away! My mother used this saying all the time "when the cat is away, the mouse will play"!! Very true! And my mother had another saying that a hard (you know what she is talking about) has no conscience! Your husband could be the 1 driving & the team driver supposedly sleeping in the berth & when it would come to a 34 hour reset, your husband could find that when it is time to go into his sleeper, the female co-driver could be laying there in her birthday suit or seduce hubby while he is sleeping! If I had a dime for every 1 of my friends or neighbors that have told me about truckers & women away from home, I could buy a mansion!

Jan 28, 2013
I would feel the same way! NEW
by: Jen

My husband is a trainer too and that was the first thing we established... NO FEMALE STUDENTS!! I don't care if it sounds insecure... when your husband is on the road for a month at a time with (hopefully) no physical love and affection, anything can look good after a

Oct 29, 2012
Whoa!!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

In one small space..depends on you and how you feel....

Oct 29, 2012
not at all NEW
by: NickV

This should have been something he asked you about and it is possible for him to be a male only trainer. I was with a team company and after my first month out with a absolute psycho of a male kid my fiancee at the time and I sat down and talked about me going with a female. It took her some time cause she felt the same a you, less time for me more time for some stranger. Its all about communication.

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