husband is about to start truck driving school

by Amber
(North Carolina )

Hi ladies. I'm a young mother of three and my husband is starting truck driving school soon and we are not financially stable at this time and I'm not sure if he is going to make enough in the beginning to support us.

I work 2 jobs but i will have to quit one of them to take care of the kids. How soon does the money flow in?

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Jul 01, 2015
I am new to this too!
by: Thalia

We are a young couple with a one year old. This is a big adjustment to us seeing as we moved in together after being together a week and h

May 03, 2015
by: Anonymous

First three months will be rough, should get better after that.

the first year expect about 30k ish area, depending on who he works for.

pretty much that is driving a VAN, if he flat beds add about 10k, for first year.

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