Husband is concerned about losing his CDL license due to his neck size?

His neck size is over 18 1/2 inches. It is concern over BMI testing.

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Jun 28, 2014
Neck Size What's the difference NEW
by: Anonymous

This new neck size limit is just another rule set in place so someone can line their pockets. If it's good for us drivers then it should be good for all goverment employees. God knows that they have very important jobs and we don't need to see anymore of them sleeping on the floor of the House or Senate.
When these shit-for-brains start loosing there jobs watch the rules change-most likely they will pass a law so they ar protected. Just like they did for Obama Care. Everyone of these S_F_B needs to be voted out of office and there needs to be term limits!!!

Just my thoughts - I just lost my CDL due to a 22" neck; Passed everything else but with no insurence I can't afford a sleep test!!!

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