Husband is jealous about me hanging with my brother

by rebecca scott
(United States)

Ive been with my husband for 5 years. He has been a driver our whole realtionship. I knew him in highschool. As of late my brother moved back and every once in awhile ive gone with him to sing karokee.

I don't drink and only go for about an hour. My husband all of a sudden is jealous. He said hes jealous that i get to go out and he doesn't. But when he comes home he doesn't want to go out.

He never cared before i used to go to parties with his sister he never cared. He's going on 7 years driving and said hes sick of it and wants to be home with me. But he pretty much has said im suppose to sit at home because im married.
I'm not single and shouldnt be gping out.

I just dont understand its only my brother and we're out partying.

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Jul 11, 2020
by: Anonymous

comments still allowed?

Dec 19, 2019
Hang in there NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry to hear about your situation and it sounds like a tough experience to be going through. Hang in there and I hope you and your husband can both grow from this

Oct 21, 2017
Phone prisoner NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm in the same boat. Me and my husband spend atleast 18 hrs a day on the phone. Every move I make he is on the phone even when I'm out at the store washing my hair taking a bath visiting family or friends he is on the phone. Sleep on the phone and sometimes when I fall asleep he'll hang up and call back to wake me. He gets mad at me when I wanna get off the phone. I woke up one morning and had 26 missed calls and crazy text. I feel he doesn't trust me and that's why he always wanna be on the phone. I have never cheated or gave him any reason to not trust me.He has alot of female friends from the past but the idea of me having them are unheard of. He had even been exchanging money with a woman I knew nothing about.

Oct 27, 2015
Go the Extra Mile NEW
by: Anonymous

While you are only out with your brother, there are also other lizards who would love to tempt you to cheat on your spouse. Not sure if you work in the home or out, but it all boils down to respect and not placing yourself in a compromising position. Also, although a lot of truckers like to "sleep" once they get home, it still is very disrespectful to go out and party, knowing that they are working so very hard to keep the bills paid. Again, you might work too, but still. It would be better to spend the time showing respect to him via some good loving, respect, nice meal (even if you buy it), and a clean home. Maybe even watch a little tv with him. Compromise. Pray. Seek the Lord for your marriage. Talk to your hubby. Stay encouraged!!!

Oct 01, 2015
Jealous Husband NEW
by: Ana

Past my time, I was reading somewhat in the same category and I to come across this site which I found it good. It looked interesting and I decided to scrutinize every contents and I read yours.. It was absolutely worth it and I liked it loads. If you are a fashioner or simply desire to look fine then get this exceptional outerwear at the lowest price, then please check out Womens Jacket at Celebsclothing.

Aug 31, 2015
how would you like it? NEW
by: Anonymous

What if the shoe was on the other foot? If you were over the road and hubby was out partying? I know I wouldn't like it. I don't think most ladies would like it. You are a married woman. I know you may not be out cheating but it's time to bite the bullet. Either talk him into going out with you when he gets home or find another hobby to do together when he gets back. I have a jealous husband too. Trust me. I understand.

May 17, 2015
idk NEW
by: becky

No hes been driving for 7 yrs. I think hes jealous of me having a life and he doesnt.

May 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

just something for him to complain about. just work it out...

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