Husband is starting truck driver training. will be on the road as soon as March 3rd

by Melissa

I never thought I would be a truckers wife. I was a truckers daughter most of the time I was in school, until a train backed over my dad's truck,wrecking the truck and him. He then got into cars, buying and selling them. That is how I met my husband.

He has been an auto mechanic for years. The auto industry has dried up here and mechanics are getting laid off and there are not any good jobs so here we are and now we have a son who is almost 3 years old. I just hope that the company he says he is going with is a good company and he can get home once in a while.

It has been years since my family has had any dealings with truck driving. When my dad was a driver the thing to do was own your own truck, they said you never wanted to be a company driver. Now what we are hearing is that you want to be a company driver that you really don't want to be an owner operator. When my dad started driving he just went and got his CDL and signed up with a company and went to work.

Now my husband has to do Truck Driving School and then go through training with the company before he can actually get out there and make some real money.

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Jan 13, 2011
new driver on the road
by: Hervy


Yep the industry has been shifting a lot through the years.

Just a thought, if your husband is a good mechanic and has a good reputation around there, has he ever though about printing up some flyers offering some of the more profitable services to people at a rate cheaper than the big name shops can do?

Mechanics are getting laid off because people are seeking cheaper alternatives or buying another car instead of taking a chance a spending a lot of money and hoping the car will get fixed.

If he has a good name with the experience in a shop he may be able to make a good living and be at home with you and the son.

Unless of course he just wants to smell diesel fuel.

Best of luck to yous guys whichever road you travel.


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